Emerald books and journals collection boasts titles from a vast range of subject areas from management and finance to criminology and social media. Emerald manages a portfolio of nearly 300 journals, more than 2,500 books and over 1,500 teaching cases. Emerald Publishing is part of Emerald Group.
Coverage Information
- School of Business & Entrepreneurship (SBE)
- School of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences (SLASS)
- English
- Environmental Science and Management
- Finance
- General Management
- Human Resource Management
- International Business
- Law
- Accounting
- Marketing
- Economics
- Management Information Systems
- E-Journals
- E-Books
Subject Coverage
- Accounting
- Business
- Finance
- management
- Economics
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List of Journals
2256437-IndependentUniversity-Journals.xlsx -
List of Books
2256437-IndependentUniversity-tr-book.xlsx -
Emerald Title List
UGC Bangladesh Consortium Emerald Title List 2022.xlsx
Subscription Info
- Subscription type: UDL
- Emerald